Perhaps I am pedantic, but.  The statement, “All Truth is God’s Truth,” is so often taken out of biblical context where it is used to shore up personal opinion or desire, causing the “truth concept” to become relative.  We are left with divergent “truths” rather than Truth defined by God; or, we are subjected to interacting with the statement as a weapon used to force one to another’s opinion.  I am irked to no end by the weaponization of ” all truth” statements. 8:32, and John 16:13, and understand that Truth is not about us. When God’s Truth is removed from his umbrella, Truth is no longer about God’s story; it becomes a man-centered counterfeit, except by happenstance or accident. God’s Truth is always centered on Him; it about Him, what He has done, what He will do, and what He expects of us. I find the difficulty stems from humanity’s inability to interact with and define the Truth Concept properly. Improper synergy causes the misuse of the “All Truth” statement and its corrupted connection to humanity’s definition. So let’s start with humanity’s description and then address the nature of God’s Truth. Once this is accomplished, the differences in the problematic issue will fade or be appropriately positioned. Before I begin, I will remove any ambiguity by stating that yes, All Truth is, solely, God’s Truth. With that said, perhaps, you are willing to read on. Humanity classifies truth using a comparative approach. We find boundless inclusion included in its definition–it is synonymous with “realities” (plural and not the singular “reality”). As defined by humanity, truth allows for descriptions as beliefs, both collective and individual, along with declarative statements or even philosophies. Truth is a broad proposition where the evaluation of objects of beliefs, attitudes, values of truth. Finally, truth is the opposite of falseness.  Individual and collective definitions are too general or not related to the “all truth” statement. The plurality of truth as a human construct equals truths. Truth and lies can be, and often are, based on individual and cultural standards or customs. It is only after these standards and traditions have been defined and applied that truth can be assessed. Here Truth is a multicultural hodgepodge of human fickleness where all is equally true or, at least, all can have an equal bearing. In the multicultural definition, Truth cannot and does not stand alone. Truth is relative as it changes with the valuation system in use.

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